Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Showing Respect to Our Husbands

 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” Ephesians 5:33

Honestly, this has really been a struggle for me especially after each of our arguments recently and every time I would feel unloved by my husband. Thus, there was a delay with this post. But even during these times, I know deep within my heart that I have to obey God in respecting my husband if I want to have a happy marriage. And so finally , I decided to make this post.

Why Do We Need to Respect Our Husbands?

  1.  It is God’s command

I firmly believe that there is always a blessing in obedience and I know that all of us  want to receive such blessings. Thus, we should respect our husband.

“Wives, respect and obey your husbands in the same way. Then the husbands who do not obey the word of God will want to know God. They will want to know God because their wives live good lives, even though they say nothing about God.1 Peter 3:1

   2.   Respect begets respect

Well, let us acknowledge that we need to feel loved by our husbands. To be loved is our ultimate need.  In the same way, our husbands need our respect. For them, RESPECT is LOVE. Thus, let's be intentional with them. Let respect be the by-product of our love for our husbands. Even if we feel that they do not deserve it, we will still choose to respect our husbands. If we do this, we will also receive the love and respect that we are longing for from our husbands.  

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.Matthew 7:12

  3.   To have a happy and blessed marriage

If the husband loves his wife and the wife respects her husband, what can be happier than that? If we want to be happy, I cannot stress it enough here ladies that we should always choose to respect our husbands. 

  However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” Ephesians 5:33

Some Ways on How to Show Respect to Your Husband

  1.   Respect his leadership and his decisions for the family

Sometimes, your opinions are not in agreement with each other. But let learn to trust your husband with his decisions. You can pray to God for Him to give wisdom to your husband and at the same time, you can also pray for your own heart to be submissive to your husband.

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.Ephesians 5:22-23

  2.   Respect and appreciate his work

You are your husband's #1 cheerleader. You should see to it that in everything he does, you always boost his morale. You should always appreciate the hard work he had done and is doing for your family no matter how much he brings to the table. He should feel encouraged, appreciated and loved especially by his wife.

“Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them .”(Proverbs 3:27)

  3.   Do not talk poorly against  your husband

    Praise your husband's goodness in public and caution your husband in private. And most importantly, stop nagging your husband. This will only bring discouragement and frustration to both of you.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ."  Ephesians 4:15
  4.  Respect his intimacy

Your husband is wired by God to have intimacy with you sexually, physically and emotionally. That is why you should always be ready to give yourself to him. Cultivate your husband's desire for intimacy with you by taking good care of your body. For your husband's joy and satisfaction, make yourself not only beautiful in the inside but also in the outside. 

"You are beautiful, my darling,  beautiful beyond words. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil.Your hair falls in waves, like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead.Your teeth are as white as sheep, recently shorn and freshly washed.Your smile is flawless,each tooth matched with its twin.Your lips are like scarlet ribbon;your mouth is inviting.Your cheeks are like rosy pomegranates behind your veil." Solomon 4:1-3

     5.   Pray for your husband

   Like you, your husband is also not perfect. He is also a work in progress, still growing and getting better by the grace of God each day. That is why , as your husband's support , you should always pray for him instead of always complaining about him not doing the things that you expect him doing. Pray for your husband to prosper in all areas of his life such us work, finances,leadership, intimacy and faithfulness with us, decisions, his role as your husband, and as a father to your children, his spiritual relationship with God, etc. If you cannot change his heart, trust that God can. 

  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

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